Signs of Unhealthy Anger

Anger is an emotion that everyone experiences on occasion. While unpleasant, anger is a healthy response to events in life that cause feelings of pain, frustration or betrayal. Anger only becomes unhealthy when it's not properly expressed or intentionally ignored. Unhealthy anger may cause problems with a person's health, relationships or self-image. While there is no one correct way to express anger, certain behaviors are often demonstrated by those who have unhealthy anger issues.
  1. Staying Silent

    • While blowing up over tiny inconveniences can be unhealthy, ignoring anger can be just as dangerous. People repress anger for different reasons. Many adults who ignore their anger grew up in homes where displaying negative emotions was considered "bad" or where expressing anger resulted in physical or emotional abuse. Common signs that someone is repressing anger include acting like the situation never occurred, telling the offending party that it's "OK" or accepting blame for other people's actions. Over time, repressed anger can cause depression and negative self-esteem issues when left untreated.

    Alcohol or Drug Abuse

    • Alcohol addiction can be a sign of unhealthy anger issues.

      Turning to drugs or alcohol after becoming angry also is a sign of unhealthy anger. Instead of dealing with the issue in a healthy way, such as discussing the situation, some people turn to mind-altering substances to feel better. Using a substance to escape emotions is unhealthy and often leads to addiction. A beer or two after a bad day doesn't necessarily indicate emotional issues. However, a person who continually turns to alcohol or drugs to deal with negative emotions might be suffering from unhealthy anger issues.

    Blowing Up Over Small Things

    • Getting mad is a healthy response to negative emotions, but displaying an inappropriate level of anger can be a warning sign for unhealthy anger patterns. Screaming, breaking things or threatening others with physical violence are acts associated with anger problems. Healthy anger allows a person to vent his frustration while still respecting others. People with anger issues often find it difficult to control their anger and may try to "get back" at others using physical violence or degrading language.This type of unhealthy anger can cause relationship and work problems as well as legal troubles.

    Difficulty With Boundaries

    • Emotional boundaries are limits for the type of behaviors a person accepts from those around them. People who have difficulty setting or expressing emotional boundaries may be at risk for unhealthy anger issues. A person with weak boundaries often has trouble speaking up when others act inappropriately, or she gives off mixed signals regarding her feelings. This type of behavior can lead to misunderstanding and confusion in relationships. Instead of confronting the issue immediately, those with weak boundaries tend to stay silent or explode after hitting their breaking point.

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