What Are Three Methods for Managing Stress?
Write a Stress Journal
Keep track of your daily behavior in a stress journal. Identify the thoughts, activities, or emotions that stimulate your stressful behavior. Write for 10 to 15 minutes a day about the situations in which you were the most stressed and how they made you feel. By keeping a daily record, you will be able to keep track of the responsibilities that caused you to worry the most. Many times, procrastination outweighs the actual challenges presented in your daily activities. Make detailed charts that include the time of the day, the type of activity, the problem that stressed you out, and the way you dealt with it. Review your stress journal often to learn from your mistakes and monitor your improvement. Stress journals work best when you track your progress over one to two weeks.
Fun Acitivities
Set aside time to do relaxing activiities that bring joy to your day. Make time every day to do things that you enjoy. Spend time working on your favorite hobby, go for a walk, or simply read a good book. Connect with others through volunteer work, by calling a good friend, or relaxing with family members to take your mind off impending deadlines. Allowing time for yourself through enjoyable activities will relax your mind and let you approach challenges with a fresh outlook.
Mind Your Health
Adequate amounts of sleep at night are vital to daily endurance. Exercise at least three times a week in 30-minute sessions. Release feelings of tension or anxiety through aerobic exercises such as walking or running. Stretch frequently to relieve the muscle tensions commonly associated with anxiety. Be sure to enact a healthy diet in your daily schedule by eating nutritious foods that provide adequate energy for your body's needs. Limit your intake of sugary foods such as soft drinks, candies, and cakes. Reduce your daily caffeine intake, and be sure to sleep enough every night to allow your body to recharge for the next day.
Visit Your Doctor
Monitor your health for stress-related illnesses. If you are unable to manage your anxiety on your own, be sure to visit your doctor for help. Stress can have negative effects on many aspects of your health. Watch for severe symptoms such as upset stomach, back pain, headaches, or high blood pressure as such ailments may need medical attention to gain relief.