10 Simple Pleasures That Make You Happy
One of the most simple pleasures in life is smiling, even when you don't feel like it. Approaching life with a "glass half-full" outlook allows you to see possibilities, opportunities and and the potential for success where you otherwise wouldn't.
After exercise, a rush of endorphins makes you feel happy and alive. Scientific studies have shown that regular exercise is not only good for you, it makes you happy. The reason lies in the pituitary gland. During vigorous exercise, endorphins are released. These are released into the bloodstream and reduce stress, anxiety and promote a sense of well-being.
Reading exercises the mind. Cuddling up in your favorite chair with a good book feels great. Immersing yourself in another world can aid creativity, reduce stress and anxiety and help you forget a bad situation.
Forgiveness can repair broken friendships. A study performed on a group of college students ascertained that the simple act of forgiveness contributes to your cardiovascular health. While the exact reasons are unknown, forgiving an old wrong is sure to take a load off your mind.
Talking not only makes you happy, but somebody else as well. Merely talking can be a great pleasure. As humans, we crave and require social interaction; no wonder it leaves us feeling relaxed and happy. Talking to somebody new or catching up with an old friend are both great ways to bring a smile and help alleviate a little stress.
Drawing can be enjoyed at any age. Since men first walked the earth, we've been busy creating -- painting on the walls of caves and making symbols and figures. There are so many ways to be creative and at least one is sure to brighten your day. Consider drawing a picture, playing some music or cooking something delicious.
Listening to Music
Listening to music and dancing both make you happy -- double the fun by doing them together. Music has been scientifically proven to make you happier. Your brain releases dopamine when you listen to music that moves you emotionally. Dopamine is a chemical released by your brain that was discovered to increase happiness in 1995 by psychologist Richard Depue.
Sleeping is the best method to feel refreshed. Getting enough sleep is imperative to increasing happiness. Feeling tired can bring anyone down. In a busy environment, getting enough sleep is even more important.
Photos help you remember special times spent with loved ones. Just remembering good times spent can evoke a grin and leave us feeling lighter. Sometimes it is necessary for us to stop for a moment and remember past victories, old loves and great holidays.
Being Outdoors
Fresh air and different surroundings are useful for lightening moods. Two hours and 49 minutes spent outdoors a week is just enough to boost your happiness and to leaving you feeling better, according to The Daily Mail. Whether you're just out for a walk, sitting in the grass or smelling the flowers, being outdoors is a simple pleasure for anyone.