How to Block Mental Chatter
Find a quiet place. The best way to block mental chatter when you're busy is to learn to block it when you're alone. Choose a location that is free from distractions and where you can be alone without being disturbed by others.
Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and concentrate on relaxing every muscle. Don't worry about the mental chatter just yet; focus on physically relaxing first. A good way to relax your body is to concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Pretend that the air entering your mouth is colored energy. Feel the energy enter your nose, flow through your entire body and exit through your mouth, relaxing you deeply. Continue doing this for two to three minutes or until you feel totally relaxed.
Focus on emptying your mind of all thoughts. Mental chatter will undoubtedly arise, but simply observe the invasive thoughts and let them dissipate on their own. Don't get mad at yourself or get caught up in the thoughts -- this will only make things worse. Calmly let the thoughts ebb away and continue concentrating on clearing your mind. If you still find that you can't quiet your mind, count your breaths and focus solely on them. Continue to do this until your mental chatter is quieted.
Repeat a mantra in you head. If you find that you still cannot control your thoughts, repeat a phrase over and over again in your mind. The praise should be something that calms you down. An example is, "my mind is totally at peace." Repeat this phrase until it almost seems to repeat by itself. Do this for at least 10 minutes every day.
Implement this practice into your busy life. When you experience mental chatter, simply concentrate on clearing your mind. Recall your mantra and slowly say it silently over and over again until you feel like your mind has been calmed and relaxed. The more you practice controlling your mind when you're alone, the easier it will be to control it throughout your busy day.