Mind Focus Techniques
According to the Learn Mind Power website, taking five minutes each day to practice visualization can change your life. During this time, create a movie in your mind which you play over and over to yourself. For instance, if you want to succeed at a task, imagine yourself doing so, over and over again. Indulge yourself by actually feeling the way that you would feel if you succeeded. Imagine the event in as much detail as possible. However, this doesn't mean you should daydream all day; when it's time to work, shift your attention to the task at hand.
Saying affirmations is a way of focusing your mind to create what you really want. You can speak affirmations out loud or simply say them to yourself in your mind. An affirmation is generally a short phrase spoken in the present tense. For instance, if you want to focus your mind on succeeding at a job interview, say to yourself over and over, "a great interview." If you want to change something about yourself, let your mind focus on that and affirm it with words. If you want to become a better piano player, say "I enjoy playing the piano with ease" repeatedly. The idea is that over a period of time, you train your mind to focus on these words and your consciousness shifts to make it happen.
Breathing Exercises
If you are at work and find it difficult to practice affirmations or visualization, shift your focus to your breath for a few moments. Take several rounds of deep breaths in which you count to five on the inhale and exhale. Focus your mind on the counting and the sensation in your body, and nothing else. When you return to your task, you may find you have an easier time focusing.
Practicing meditation is another way to achieve a calm and focused mind. The idea is to empty the mind of the mental chatter and worry that often distracts the mind. You can simply close your eyes and focus on breathing, or choose a word to repeat to yourself which becomes your mantra. For example, repeat "calm and focused" to yourself during meditation. When you open your eyes, you may find that all the mental chatter which has been distracting you has now subsided.
If you find it hard to concentrate at work, for example, take a look inside yourself and examine why this is so. Perhaps you do not find your job fulfilling, or are daydreaming to escape from the monotonous task at hand. You are more likely to stay focused and do a better job if you're performing an activity that you are interested in, so make any necessary changes in your schedule or routine that are more in line with what you really want.