How to Make Decisions & Set Goals
Determine what you truly want to accomplish in specific terms. For instance, if you're considering opening a business, research to determine which products you will sell, and think about how you'll market your company. If you want to return to school, think about all the subjects you're interested in and the amount of time you want to spend in school; and choose which degree plan is best for you. For instance, if you're re-entering school to learn more about being a business owner, a degree in business marketing is a good idea.
Work out the consequences of not accomplishing your goals in your mind to help you make a decision. If you want to lose weight, think about the health complications you may face if you decide not to take your health more seriously. If you're thinking of purchasing a home, consider that the house you want may not be on the market in the next six months. These considerations will prompt you to make a move after you've clearly outlined your goals.
Write down your goals, and divide the list into one-, five- and 10-year increments. For example, if you're pursuing a degree, write down how far along you want to have progressed in your academic process one year from now. Then write down your educational goals for the next five years --- for example, graduating or gaining an entry-level position in your field. Include your 10-year goals on this list as well; these goals will likely include career advancement or additional certification courses. Refer to the list often to stay on track with the educational schedule you've made for yourself.
Pursue decisions that involve specific actions after writing your list. Once you've described your goals for owning a business in writing, start doing research on how to acquire a small business loan, or go online to get information on starting a Web-based business. Write down or type what you learn, and save it in a document. Check off steps as you achieve them.
Talk to a person who has accomplished what you're working to attain. For instance, if you've made the decision to get in shape or lose weight, talk to a family member or loved one who has achieved this goal, and seek pointers on how to eat better and stay active. Set up a lunch or dinner date with a friend who has a business to receive first-hand information on how to run a company successfully.
Revisit your goals and evaluate your decisions often, which will help you make any necessary edits to your short and long-term goals, as well as remind you to celebrate your wise decisions.
Reward yourself for accomplishing a small goal you've set, which will motivate you to continue pursuing everything on your list until you have achieved the entire goal.