Self-Confidence Techniques
Know Thyself
Journaling can help you to connect to your inner thoughts. In order to have self-confidence, you must first have an established sense of self. Who are you deep down? What are your needs and desires? Explore your inner landscape and really get to know yourself. How has your history shaped your values in the present? Who are you when no one else is looking? Traditional therapy, journaling, or self-help literature can help you to connect to your inner self.
Support Network
Not accepting yourself can weigh you down. Surround yourself with people who accept you just as you are without judgment or ridicule. True friends are people who make you feel good about yourself and support your individuality. Strive to accept yourself unconditionally, the way your best friends and loved ones do.
Don't Compare
Instead of wanting to be someone else, work on being yourself. Comparing yourself to others is one surefire way to bring down your self-esteem. Humans appear to have a built-in mechanism for comparison; we always want what the other person has. The next time you are comparing yourself against someone who you believe is smarter, better looking, more popular or more successful, bring the focus back to yourself. After all, the only true competition that exists is with yourself.
Deepen Your Spirituality
Spirituality can be a valuable source of self-confidence. One of the deepest and most fulfilling sources of self-confidence is a connection to a higher power. If you have a faith or a spiritual belief, consider deepening it at this time. Get involved in your spiritual community, communicate more with your higher power and engage in regular prayer. It can be tremendously satisfying to remind yourself of your value in the eyes of your creator.
Affirmations can remind you of your inherent goodness. Affirmations are positive messages about yourself that can help to liberate you from low self-esteem. These messages can include, "You are beautiful," "You are perfect just as you are," "You are magnificent." Practice writing affirmations, and then post them all around your house in places you are likely to see them every day, such as your bedroom mirror and your refrigerator.
Sever Ties
Don't feel obligated to keep friends around who make your feel bad about yourself. Get rid of friends who are negative or critical toward you. If you generally feel bad about yourself after spending time with someone, this relationship is probably not healthy to your self-confidence. Be bold and sever ties with people who just bring you down. You'll be glad you did.