Managing Stress for Teachers
Things You'll Need
- Yoga class
- Reward of choice
- Palm Pilot or scheduler
Treat yourself to something such as food, clothes or a hobby. Reward yourself when they are doing a great job. Buy yourself something that you would enjoy such as a new blouse, tie, handbag or a sweet treat. Enjoy the reward, and remember all the hard work was worth it.
Yoga is a great way to keep fit and decrease stress. Relax as often as possible. If you find no time to relax throughout the day, try to relax when it is time to go to bed or sign up for a yoga class. Do not bring your workload from school to your home. Keep your work life and personal life separate. This will allow you to create a stress-free haven at home, and allow you to balance your personal life with work.
Teachers can rely upon one another for coping with stress. Make a support system of teachers and colleagues with e-mail, meetings and phone conversations. Discussing the stressful matters of your job with other teachers will allow you to cope more easily. Air out all of your worries about work to your support system. Also, you can feel proud after helping other teachers becoming less stressed by listening to their problems.
Schedule your workload. Do not cram excess work into your day. Use a Palm Pilot or calendar to write down lesson plans and dates to stay organized. Do not procrastinate. Procrastinating will cause you to fall behind lesson plans, making you more stressed than before as you become overburdened with work. Try to schedule a few breaks each day.
Remain positive about your job. Remember you control your stress level and that you have the ability to make work fun. Make teaching fun by changing lesson plans into exciting projects, or watching educational movies with your class.