How Does a Single Woman Set Goals for Herself & Keep Them?
Use Your Friends
Friends can be one of your greatest assets when you are trying to set goals and stick to them. Being single doesn't mean that you're alone at all, so use the people around you to help you meet your goals. Find friends with similar goals, such as losing weight, and make a plan to go to a gym together. If your goal is to learn a new skill, find a friend with a similar interest and take a class together. Two people who work together to achieve a common goal can help hold each other accountable.
Set Financial Goals
It is difficult to achieve many goals in life without being financially secure. Single people don't have the financial support of a spouse to depend on, so single women need to make it a priority to set and meet financial goals. Build up an emergency savings fund and contribute to your retirement fund regularly. Help yourself stick to your goal by setting up a reward system for yourself. Set a savings goal, and when you meet it, allow yourself to use the next payment that you would have put in savings to buy yourself something you want or to take a trip instead.
Create a Plan in Writing
One of the worst things a person can do is to set vague goals in their head and assume that they will be achieved. Instead, you need to actually write down your goals and carefully itemize how you can meet each one. Then, you have a plan that you can follow. A set timetable is important. You also create accountability in yourself if you force yourself to review and rewrite your goals regularly.
There is a defeatist attitude that comes from some women who feel they are failing because they are single. This is totally inappropriate. Set your goals based on your own desires rather than feeling like you cannot define yourself because you are single. If you want career advancement, then you should go out and get it. If you want more power, then start thinking about how to take steps to achieve it. There is nothing wrong with being a single woman, and in many cases, it will position you better than a woman in a relationship to achieve a wide breadth of goals. Look at it as an advantage, and start setting your goals from that perspective. This will make any goal easier to meet.