How to Conquer Stress
Breathe deep when you feel particularly stressed or emotional to immediately calm nerves. For a longer term solution, practice a form of yoga or Tai Chi regularly -- preferably daily -- to center yourself and make important decisions from a relaxed, unemotional state.
Identify your stress triggers. Due to past experiences and beliefs, everyone reacts differently to different situations. When you feel yourself becoming tense, ask yourself what is causing you stress. When you have identified the stressor, brainstorm for solutions to alleviate that stress. Then take appropriate actions to eliminate that stressor from further affecting you.
Observe your thoughts. Become aware of your predominant thought processes. Don't allow the mind to build stories of failure. Consciously choose to act or react only to constructive thoughts or impulses. If memories of former losses inhibit you, consciously remember the times you succeeded at any task and allow those positive memories to influence your actions.
Ask for help. If you are feeling overwhelmed by any situation, ask for help from those you know for solutions to your problem. If that isn't possible, clear your mind and listen to what your intuition is telling you is the best course of action to take. If the advice is not harmful to you or others, considering following the advice received.
Reconnect with your spirituality. The healing affects of religious practices is well-known. Identify your core beliefs and what you believe your core purpose is for that moment, that day and in the long term. Express gratitude for who you are then proceed to be the self you were meant to be.