How to Prevent Technology From Increasing Your Stress Level
Turn off electronic devices one hour prior to bedtime, particularly if you have difficulty falling asleep. Our brains need time to transition from work to sleep, and engaging in stressful activities immediately prior to going to bed delays that transition, as noted by WebMD. Try instead to stop working, turn off the laptop and set the smart phone aside and engage in more relaxing activities such as reading a book or listening to music.
Prioritize your daily activities. Focus on more stressful and time-consuming activities earlier in the day. Later in the day, only begin tasks you can complete quickly or can delay completing until the next day.
Avoid use of electronic devices during family meals or gatherings. The face-to-face communication with your family is beneficial to both the relationship with your loved ones and to your own emotional health. In addition, interrupting a meal to answer an email or text, or update your social network status may offend your family and lead to conflict and hurt feelings.
Engage in hobbies or activities. Find an alternative way to spend your time to prevent burnout on work-related tasks.
Take a personal inventory. Determine if there is anything in your life that you are trying to avoid by constant use of technological devices. It is also possible that the devices are replacing something else in your life. Examine your thoughts and feelings about home, work, friends and yourself. Consult with a trusted friend, religious leader or therapist if necessary.