Grief Group Exercises
Memory Cards
Promote sharing by allowing your group members the opportunity to create cards in memory of those who they have lost. Give each individual a blank sheet of card stock and help them fold them into cards. Encourage them to sit and talk about their loss while they use art supplies to handcraft cards in memory of those they are grieving. Ask them to draw pictures that remind them of the deceased and to write a message expressing their emotions. Once all group members have finished the activity, allow them to share the cards with the rest of the group.
Feelings Bag
Allow for anonymity while group members share emotions by creating a feelings bag. To prepare for this activity, cut some sheets of paper into strips. Create or purchase a drawstring fabric bag. Give each group member several sheets of paper and ask him to write down emotions he is currently experiencing. Allow the members to fold these papers and slip them into the bag. After collecting the slips, pull them out one at a time and read them to the group, discussing each emotion as you draw it out of the bag.
Memory Tree
Create a therapeutic decoration for your grief group space by buying a memory tree. Begin this activity by creating a large tree trunk and branches out of brown paper. Place this trunk on your wall. Make green leaf cutouts. When you next have a meeting, give each group member a leaf on which to write down the name of the individual she is mourning. Place these leaves on the tree. As new members join the group, give them leaves and allow them to make their addition to the room decoration, creating a lasting reminder of those who have moved on from the group and a place for new members to see that they are far from alone.
Loss Art
Allow your group members to express themselves without words by creating loss art. Before they arrive, lay out canvases or paper on which to paint, along with paints and brushes. When your meeting begins, ask the gathered individuals to get in touch with their inner artists and create paintings that reflect their hurt. Before the next meeting, hang up the works to create a loss gallery and discuss the pieces at the meeting.