How to Slow My Mind Before Sleeping
Stretch your body in any way that feels good to you to relieve tension in your muscles and relax your body. Take a long soothing bath, then lay down on a comfortable place in a comfortable position and breathe slowly, taking several long breaths in and out to relax your mind.
Read a book that is not intense for entertainment to relax your mind. If you don't like reading books, you can try writing in your journal, doing a crossword puzzle or anything stress-free that will relieve your mind from other thoughts
Listen to some soothing music such as classical, an instrumental or any soft music to quiet and relax the mind. Try to focus more on the present soothing effects of the music and let go of all past and future thought.
Turn the TV, computer and similar electronics off about 30 to 45 minutes before your sleep time to help quiet and slow the mind before sleeping. TV is a stimulant that rouses the mind. It is very difficult to slow the mind down or have a peaceful night's rest after watching a violent or disturbing video.
Eat your favorite light snack slowly; enjoy and savor each bite with maximum concentration on the food, but don't indulge in heavy meals or meals eaten too fast to avoid being uncomfortable.
Control your mind by engaging in mindful meditation using the practice of conscious quiescence. Mindful meditation is the ability to be engrossed in the soothing thoughts of the present moment without thinking of the past or future. It takes some effort to concentrate on the present without drifting away to other thoughts, but with commitment and consistent practice, you will learn to control and slow your mind before sleeping.