How to Change Your Mood & Boost Your Energy
Things You'll Need
- 5-HTP
- SAM-e
- St. John's Wort
Begin an exercise routine which incorporates outdoor activity. According to an August 2010 article in The Gaea Times, researchers at the University of Bangor determined that study participants who exercised in a natural environment increased energy levels and powers of concentration more than study participants who exercised indoors. Additionally, taking workouts outside markedly reduced feelings of anger, lethargy and melancholy. When weather permits, switch treadmill runs for runs in the park, walking up flights of stairs for outdoor hiking and laps at the pool for swimming at a local lake or beach.
Control blood sugar levels that affect your mood by timing your meals so that you're eating every four to five hours. This will prevent dips and spikes in blood sugar. Spikes in blood sugar can make a person overly energetic and aggressive, while the dips in blood sugar that follow a spike can cause lethargy and depression. Avoid blood sugar spikes by limiting refined carbohydrates and sugary foods. Replace them with unrefined carbohydrates (e.g. fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains), lean sources of protein which slow the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood and foods rich in omega-3 fats, folic acid and vitamins B12 and D.
Take natural, homeopathic mood enhancers in the dosages indicated on the label of the particular product you choose. Examples of natural mood enhancers include 5-HTP (which converts into the brain chemical serotonin, a shortage of which causes depression), SAM-e for low energy and motivation and St. John's wort for mood enhancement. Look for these supplements in the pharmacy section of your local supermarket, or in the supplement section of the nearest health food store.
Undergo cognitive therapy with a licensed therapist. This type of therapy trains patients to replace the repetitive and negative thought patterns that lead to a negative mood with positive reinforcement and healthy inner dialogue. Combine cognitive therapy with a course of natural supplements such as SAM-e, 5-HTP or St. John's Wort for best effect.