How to Stop Blushing With Free Hypnosis
Things You'll Need
- Pen and paper
Make a list of situations that trigger your blushing. This allows you to personalize your self-hypnosis routine, which will enable you to target specific problems more effectively.
Browse the internet for legitimate free self-hypnosis downloads or borrow a self hypnosis tape from a friend or family member. Many sites, such as Hypnosis Downloads, offer a trial period for downloads and will refund your money if you are unsatisfied. They also offer a free audio training course for hypnosis.
Try "7-11" breathing before beginning your hypnosis work, a simple breathing method that enables your para-sympathetic nervous system to lower anxiety, according to How Hypnosis Works. Breathe in for a count of seven and hold your breath for a moment, then gently breathe out for a count of 11. Practice this technique in a quiet area where you can teach yourself to calm your racing heart and cool your blushing skin.
Follow the instructions from your hypnosis tape or download. Use the deep relaxation that comes from hypnosis to imagine yourself in situations where you would normally blush, like those on your list, and imagine yourself keeping cool and calm. Imagine yourself not becoming self-conscious the minute you think you are going to blush or do blush, and focus on calm thoughts rather than getting embarrassed.
Repeat self-hypnosis techniques as needed until you feel satisfied with your results.