How to Move Stress & Frustrations Into a Positive Attitude
Stress and frustration can dampen your spirit and leave you feeling unable to cope and deal with the challenges life brings. If not dealt with properly, excessive stress and frustration can strain your relationships with others, possibly leading to depression and anxiety. Since negative thinking is the breeding ground for stress and frustration, learning to think in a positive manner will lessen fear, worry and stress in your life by decreasing the impact of negative thoughts.Instructions
Be proactive. Get into the habit of thinking about what you are saying before you say it. Catch negative thoughts and state them in a positive way so you are able to make a positive change or solve the problem rather than increasing your stress through negative thinking. When you feel the impulse to say something, gently bite your tongue or count to ten to allow yourself time to think.
Break the habit of complaining about things you cannot control. Stop and take slow, deep breaths the next time you catch yourself complaining or feeling stressed or frustrated. Once you are feeling somewhat relaxed, ask yourself, "Is this in my control?" or "Is this really important?" Evaluate your responses and make positive changes.
Engage in positive self-talk. Take notice of any negative self-talk and take steps to change it. This will enable you to avoid worry over the small stuff and concentrate on problem-solving when you have a problem that is truly bothersome.
Remember to respond, not react. Respond by taking control of the part of the situation you can do something about. Avoid reacting, as this will allow you to let off steam but you will often blame others in the process. This can lead to additional stress and frustration. If you need to, excuse yourself and walk away until you are calm and can solve the problem in a rational way.
Surround yourself with positive people whenever possible. Notice what types of people make positive company for you and spend more time with them. Avoid gossip and other stress-inducing conversation, as this will be an additional breeding ground for negativity.