How to Break the Barriers of Frustration
Set reasonable deadlines that can be accomplished in a serious of small goals. Don't overwhelm yourself by taking on too many projects at one time. Prioritize tasks and work at a comfortable pace without feeling pressured or hurried.
Stay positive and keep an open mind. Remind yourself that it's OK to make mistakes and continue to strive for excellence. Encourage yourself by speaking positively, even when you are in a negative situation or environment. Keep a positive outlook through all challenges and obstacles. Negative feelings will only lower your spirits and make you feel bad.
Remove yourself from the situation at the first sign of stress. When things get out of hand and begin to overwhelm you, take a break and focus your attention on other projects. A short break will allow you to clear your mind, gather your thoughts and refresh your mindset. Take as many breaks as necessary to prevent mental exhaustion.
Consider all options before surrendering to defeat. It's easy to get frustrated when you feel trapped. There are always multiple solutions to every problem. Figure out other alternatives when facing a roadblock. Rethink the problem and work it out a different way.
Solicit help if you need it. Don't try to handle the situation on your own if you are feeling overwhelmed. Talk to someone you can trust and ask for a helping hand. Sometimes, all that's needed is sound advice and someone to listen. Sharing your feelings is an effective way to reduce stress and avoid frustration.
Exercise daily to keep your mind sharp; improving both your physical and mental health. An increase in your heart rate, through exercise, releases the chemical substance endorphins and improves your mood and relieves stress. You work better and have greater focus when you are energized and physically fit. For an extra boost, take a quick 10-minute run when you feel tired or run-down. The better you feel, the easier it is to manage stress and avoid frustration.