How to Reprogram a Negative Personality Type
Things You'll Need
- Candle
- Positive affirmation
Fit meditation into your schedule every day. Spending time in a meditative state and fill your head with positive affirmations to rid yourself of negativity. Meditate first thing in the morning or right before bed.
Find a quiet place where there will be no disturbances and sit comfortably on the floor, or on a chair or bed. Start by lighting a candle. The candle will help as a focal point. Using the candle will allow the mind to focus on that one object until relaxation is achieved and all other thoughts are cleared from the mind.
Say a positive affirmation, over and over again, as soon as the mind is cleared. Webster's New World College Dictionary defines an affirmation as a "positive declaration." Chose an affirmation such as "I am positive in every thing I do." Make your affirmation in the present tense so your affirmation will not be in an indefinite future.
Repeat this affirmation numerous times until the positive feelings are felt, and then blow out the candle. Repeat this meditation as many days as it takes.