How to Change Your Thinking
Recognize that there is a need to change your thinking pattern in the first place. If thoughts such as "Nothing good will ever happen to me" or "Life is always terrible" dominate your mind every day, you need to change your thinking. If you are the sort of person who jumps to conclusions without any strong supportive evidence, or someone who trusts no one but yourself to do something the right way, then your thinking pattern needs a change. Such thoughts can blind you from reality.
Be aware of the situations in which you are using destructive thinking patterns. You may be a person who exudes confidence at work but is full of self-doubt and fear when it comes to your love life. Recognizing when you are using destructive patterns makes it easier to understand where you need to change your thoughts.
Choose positive thoughts to replace the destructive thoughts. Your thoughts kindle images and emotions that associate with destructive thought. These pictures and emotions spark your attitudes and shape your actions. So, how you think eventually manifests itself in your actions. For example, say you are attending an interview and you hear your mind saying, "I'm sure I won't get the job. The others here are more qualified and intelligent than I am." Recognize this negative thinking pattern and replace it with, "I have good technical knowledge and communication skills (or whatever you are sure you are good at). So, my chances of getting this job are as good as theirs." Focusing only on success and confidence makes you feel competent and enables you to perform better. Destructive thoughts make you perform poorly even if you are really adept. Practice observing your negative thought patterns and replacing them with a positive one every day. It takes relentless practice to destroy your destructive thinking pattern. You can achieve an effective thinking process only gradually and over time.
Practice creative thinking. Start this by getting rid of the thought that you are not a creative person. Develop the habit of questioning; inquisitiveness generates insights. Record your ideas constantly; they may be of use in the future. Whatever your idea, jot it down in a notebook, on scraps of paper, or message it to yourself. Voice your ideas to yourself or to others; this gives you an opportunity to analyze stray thoughts. Do something new. For example, if you are analyzing a problem at work, instead of listing the problem, depict it using pictures and diagrams, and then analyze the images for alternative perspectives. Be persistent in your creativity. You may stumble on a revolutionary out-of-the-box thought only after a hundred dismal attempts.
Do not be satisfied with the status quo. Always assume that that there is a better option to the given way. When you think this way, you automatically look for alternative, better ideas. Analyze the given situation upside down, taking into account all details, and search for elements of surprise. Focusing on them can give you fresh perspectives and ideas.