How to Find Your Focus
Most of us try to focus on the task at hand, thinking about the daily focus. But we can also think about the next week, month, year or even lifetime when determining our focus. Knowing what you want to accomplish will help your take direction quickly.
Glowing candles can help center your mind. Sit down in a quiet place where you can think. Take a few deep breaths to center your mind and energy. You may want to put on some soothing music, dim the lights or place a few lit candles around you.
Focus and think about what you want in life. Think about what you want to accomplish for the day (or week or month). Picture yourself making the goal happen. Watch yourself take the necessary actions to make the vision a reality.
Write down your goals and obstacles you need to overcome. Write down what you just saw in your mind. Create a set of steps to achieve your daily (weekly or monthly) goal. Be literal and do not miss any details.
Write down any obstacles you feel could impede you from reaching your goal, or any excuses you will devise to sabotage yourself. Now close your eyes and picture yourself eliminating those distractions from your life.
A reward can motivate you to stay focused. Enlist the help of family and friends, if necessary. Your close friends and loved ones can keep you on track when you lose focus or get discouraged. Or set up a reward for yourself when you stay focused and achieve your desired goal or end result.
Practice makes perfect when staying focused. Enact your plan and follow through. Repeat these steps as often as necessary to stay focused in your daily life.