How to Get Rid of Emotional Clutter
Take notes on negative emotions as they surface. Don't hold back. Become consciously aware of your feelings and categorize them. These could be feelings of jealousy, fear, anger or many others. Once you have identified the feelings, link them back to their sources. Develop a sense of empathy for the parties involved and try to see the circumstances from their point of view. Try to see the positive as well as the negative aspects of the situation. For example, try to determine what you learned and how you have put that knowledge to use. Accept your share of responsibility for the outcomes and realize that it is your choice to get rid of any negative feeling.
Get involved with positive people and situations. Stay in touch with a friend who has a positive attitude about other people. Spend time with co-workers who enjoy their jobs. Read inspirational novels and listen to motivational speakers. According to Karen Leland and Keith Bailey, co-authors of "Watercooler Wisdom: How Smart People Prosper in the face of Conflict," hope is contagious.
Begin the practice of placing your palm on your solar plexus daily. Your emotional center is at your solar plexus and negative emotions can reside there, states co-author Leland. As you place your palm there, consciously send out thoughts of loving-kindness. According to Leland, this can help get rid of stress and negative feelings.
Join a support group composed of people who share similar issues. Your health care provider or religious leader may be able to direct you to an appropriate group. Within a group setting you will be able to share feelings and trade tips on getting rid of negative emotions. Group interactions allow you to understand that others have experienced similar feelings to your own and that you are not alone.