Activities to Reframe Negative Thinking Into Positive
Write Down All the Things You Are Grateful For
Once you start listing things you are, or should be, grateful for, your perspective begins to change. There is always someone less fortunate, as noted in the familiar phrase, "I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet." You may feel deprived in one area but have a great advantage in another. You will find if you try to list everything, you simply cannot. When you are in a bad season, remember seasons come and seasons go. Think back to a good time in your life and think ahead past this current rough spot.
Transform a Mistake Into an Opportunity
If you burn the toast, make croutons. If your caramel cooked too long, make toffee instead. Even items that just cannot be salvaged can be looked at as a learning experience. You can allow your past mistakes to turn into future successes. Evaluating how the mistake occurred can help you change the way you handle the same situation the next time.
Bloom Where You Are Planted
Whatever your occupation, do your best. You can take pleasure in completing a job well. Also, you never know who's looking who has the power or influence to elevate your situation. If you have tedious chores to perform, sing or listen to music while you work. This can help the work and time go by easier. A simple act such as smiling can brighten your outlook.