How to Focus & Concentrate Better
To be able to concentrate refers to the ability to focus on something for a considerable period of time. For many people, this task is extremely difficult. Most people simply don't have the ability or willpower to center concentration on one thing for long and let other things wander into their minds and take over. Lack of concentration is one very effective way of losing sight of the important areas of your life, making for more mistakes and laziness at work and in everyday living. Remedies exist for this conundrum. You simply must decide what works best for you.Instructions
Restructure your diet to include certain foods and drinks that are known to improve mental abilities. Take in a source of caffeine daily, such as tea or coffee, which stimulates and wakes up the mind, allowing easier focus.
Eat breakfast always. Consume a variety of fruit-based foods at breakfast and throughout the day so your body has sufficient glucose to power your brain cells and improve your concentration. Eat whole-grain cereals to fortify your body with the essential nutrients needed for your body to function properly.
Eat a portion of oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring or fresh tuna for dinner at least three times a week. Oily fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which give a power boost to the brain and are vital for a healthy brain.
Get plenty of sleep. Get at least seven or eight hours of sleep every night. Sleep deprivation can affect your concentration and memory.