Seminar Topics for Teen Girls
Self-Esteem and Body Issues
Self-esteem is a topic on the forefront of many adult minds when they worry about a teenage girl's mental health. Teenagers are at an insecure stage where fitting in is of the utmost importance. They're susceptible to suggestions made by friends and comments from family members. During puberty, when a girl starts to gain weight and gain her womanly figure, she can become worried about how she looks. Parents should be especially careful not to remark on her size, as long as its in a healthy range. Seminars that cover self-esteem and body issues should go into detail about the dangers of eating disorders and the unrealistic expectations set by magazines. Before and after shots of digitally enhanced photos are a good addition. Discussions should center around creating self-esteem.
Abstinence, Dating and Sex Education
Teenage girls feel peer pressure both at school and from television shows and movies that feature sexually active teens. They know how they're family or church expects them to behave but are conflicted that they're missing out by not going with the crowd. It's important to discuss sex education and to go over all of the healthy options, including abstinence and contraceptives like the pill and condoms.
Healthy Lifestyle
In addition to psychological hurdles, teenage girls are dealing with their bodies changing physically. Menstruation will introduce physical discomfort unlike anything she's experienced before. While menstruation is glossed over in sexual education classes, girls rarely get an in-depth explanation of what's happening to her and how she can combat it. One of the best ways is to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Endorphins released during exercise combat the depression and anxiety that hormonal imbalances introduce. Healthy eating also helps to raise self-esteem overall and help girls maintain a positive attitude.