How to Focus Your Thoughts
Things You'll Need
- Quiet room
Find a quiet room or area in which to begin your focusing. This can be an office, bedroom, or even a bathroom if there is no other place available. Going outdoors, to areas such as a park, can be an excellent idea if they are available. Make sure that wherever you go, you are not likely to be interrupted for at least five to 10 minutes.
Concentrate on the particular thought you wish to have: it may be a sensation of well-being, or a problem that needs solving. This is one of the hardest parts of focusing your thoughts. You may find that your mind drifts to other matters, or to thoughts you do not wish to have. Do not attach emotional significance to these extraneous thoughts. Every time they arise in your mind, observe and acknowledge them, then bring your thoughts back to the one on which you wish to focus.
Hold the desired thought in your mind for as long as possible. Often, necessity will drive you back to your everyday life sooner than you anticipated. This is fine. You can practice focusing your thoughts every opportunity that you get. The individual thought is not what's important: you can focus on anything you wish, The thought you choose will often change depending upon the circumstances. However, the more you practice focusing in general, the easier it will become each time you attempt it.