How to Adjust to Life After Age 30

When you turn 30, you start thinking about what you have accomplished so far, and you make important decisions for your future. For example, if you've made bad dating choices in your adolescent years and in your 20s, now is the time to find out why you keep making these choices and get professional help on how to establish meaningful and healthy relationships. Or if you find that you're still immature regarding the acceptance of criticism, you may want to stop this habit and learn lessons from the criticism.


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      Pay more attention to your physical health. If you struggle with weight issues, resolve to lose any excess weight that could cause additional problems such as heart disease and diabetes. If breast cancer runs in your family, get a mammogram so that you can know if you're at risk for this disease. If you were born with a rare heart condition, monitor this condition with frequent doctor's visits. Start eating a more balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.

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      Maintain good mental health. If you struggle with low-self worth and it's affecting your life in general, get help from a licensed counselor. During the sessions ask the counselor specific and practical ways that you can rebuild your self-worth daily and write those methods down. If you need to resolve conflict with a relative or friend, go to that person and state your desire to work the problems out for the benefit of the relationship.

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      Straighten out your finances. If you have a credit card that has a high balance, pay down the balance each pay period until you have a balance that's manageable. If you're still living at home with your parents and employed, save part of your check so you'll have money to get an apartment or own a home. Spend less money than you earn on miscellaneous items, and establish an emergency savings fund for events such as a job loss or illness that reduces your work hours.

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      Get involved in new activities. If you always wanted to make homemade chocolate candies, sign up for a candy-making course at a local community center. Or if you enjoy helping others, volunteer with a local nonprofit group that focuses on the causes you're passionate about.

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