Free Techniques for Emotional Freedom
Tapping involves the physical release of emotional barriers to your health and well-being. Tapping remains a significant part of emotional freedom techniques as it represents the bad energy leaving the body. Tapping does not require excessive force, but must apply some pressure to the affected area. Common tapping points include the karate chop point and the sore spot. Located on the outside of the hand, below the pinky finger, the karate chop spot gets its namesake from the spot in which you would make a connection if performing a karate chop. The sore spot's namesake regards the actual soreness incurred when you rub the area, located on the chest, parallel to the shoulders.
Affirmations represent the emotional and internal components of emotional freedom techniques. Affirmations must connect on a personal level and therefore usually remain unique to each person. You must repeat the affirmation multiple times as you tap in a firm tone. Examples of affirmations include, "Even though I am scared of snakes, I love and accept myself" or, "Even though I have a craving to smoke cigarettes, I respect and love myself." Well-structured affirmation statements include the undesirable behavior as well as an acknowledgment of acceptance.
The sequence of events used in emotional freedom techniques remains just as important as the accuracy of the physical and emotional elements. The procedure starts with rubbing the sore spot or tapping the karate chop while stating the affirmation statement aloud three times. This concludes the setup portion of the process. Next, you tap each of the meridian points in order while saying the negative behavior part of the affirmation statement seven times at each point. This sequence is repeated twice. The meridian points in order of proper technique are the eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbone, under the arm and on top of the head.