Ways to Improve Memorization
Using common associations is a powerful technique that can be used to help you remember things. This works by connecting something you want to remember with something you already know and see on a regular basis. For example, if you want to remember to pick up dog food, then mentally associate dog food with something you will see during your routine, such as a traffic light. The two associated items do not have to be similar is some way; if the association takes, when you see a traffic light, you will automatically think of dog food.
Whenever you hear something over and over again, it becomes easier to remember. This is why we remember song lyrics, a commercial's jingle or movie phrases so easily. It may also help to create a song for whatever you are trying to remember. If you are trying to remember to get eggs, milk, cheese and bread from the store, then create a song using these four items. Use a catchy, common tune that you already know, like "Mary had a little lamb."
Recall improves the memory by strengthening your ability to bring up information that you have stored. To practice recall, carefully read over information until you have memorized it. Take a 5-to-15-minute break and then try to recite everything that you memorized. You may not remember every detail the first time, but keep practicing. Recall is a great technique for firmly implanting something in your memory.
Herbs have been used for many years to improve memory function by nourishing the brain and providing antioxidants. Ginkgo Biloba is one of the most well-known herbs for improving memory. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Ginkgo has been studied for a variety of uses, including for memory enhancement. A caveat: Although smaller studies have shown promising results for Ginkgo as a memory enhancer, a trial done by the National Institute on Aging found that Ginkgo did not improve the memory of elderly patients when taken over a course of six weeks. Hawthorn, Gotu Kola, Bacopin, rosemary and Schisandra are also herbs that have been shown in some studies to help improve memorization.
Acrostics are an effective memorization tool for remembering a series of words. Acrostic involves taking the first letter of the words and arranging them into one word that is easier to remember. For example, the colors of the rainbow, which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, may be remembered by employing the famous acrostic "Roy G. Biv." It sounds like a person's name, but each letter represents a color. Such acrostics serve as a mental "cheat sheet." Acrostics are also helpful when trying to remember proper steps to a technique.