How to Eliminate Blushing
Eliminate caffeine. Fluctuations in levels of caffeine cause blood vessels to constrict and dilate. When blood vessels dilate, it causes easy blushing. Plus, caffeine increases anxiety, which makes blushing more likely.
Cut back on spicy foods. The capsaicin in spicy foods dilates blood vessels to release heat, which leads to skin redness and blushing. Go light on the Mexican food and hot sauce if you blush easily.
Eliminate alcohol. Some people experience facial flushing when they drink alcohol. This happens because they lack an enzyme needed to break down one of the components in alcohol. If you flush or blush when you drink alcohol, see your doctor.
Schedule a hypnotherapy session, or learn how to meditate. Hypnotherapy retrains the subconscious mind to react differently to embarrassing social situations. It also eases anxiety, which reduces the risk of blushing. Meditation is another modality that reduces stress and anxiety that can trigger blushing.
Check your medications. Certain medications, particularly heart and blood pressure medications, cause facial flushing and easy blushing. Ask your doctor if you're taking any of these and whether they're part of the problem.
Get a physical exam. Some medical conditions such as an overactive thyroid, a carcinoid tumor, menopause and rosacea can cause facial flushing and easy blushing.
Enroll in a drama class. People who blush easily often fear public scrutiny. A drama class will teach you how to enjoy being in the spotlight and reduce the fear of having people look at you.
Discuss prescription medications with your doctor. Certain medications help to reduce blushing, such as beta blockers and anti-anxiety pills. Use these as a last resort, since they have side effects.