Aggressive Behavior Management Training
Who Benefits
A wide variety of professions can benefit from aggressive behavior management training. Special education and regular classroom teachers can use techniques on hard-to-manage children. Service professions such as long-term care or mental health personnel need assistance dealing with aggressive individuals. Finally, a variety of law enforcement applications can use training, ranging from juveniles to corrections to security. Parents of angry or violent children can benefit as well.
Parental Concerns
Parents who deal with their child's aggressive behavior have an even greater concern than others who receive training. They can pursue training classes, in-home behavioral assessments, individual counseling, support groups for parents and group counseling.
Trainings can last anywhere from three hours to four days, depending on the topic and are offered at multiple locations, such as hotels or conference centers, across the nation. A few of many available topics include non-violent crisis intervention, enhancing verbal skills, dementia therapy, autism disorders and parenting skills.
Basic results of the training include a decrease in aggressive behavior and an increase in socially appropriate behaviors. Training should provide the participant with the knowledge to calm others, defuse aggressive behavior, avoid violence, prevent lawsuits and the enhanced confidence to effectively address the issue.