Sadness Management Strategies
Establish a Support System
Many people who value independence prefer not to discuss emotions that make them appear "weak." "Now is the time to lean on the people who care about you, even if you take pride in being strong and self-sufficient," explains, "Oftentimes, people want to help but don't know how." Sharing your feelings can help you receive the caring response that may cause your mood to improve. If you know someone has trouble demonstrating affection or using supportive language, avoid being let down and instead talk to someone who can give you positive feedback.
Create a Distraction
Get involved in activities that will distract you from your emotions, such as exercising or volunteering. Connecting to others in a positive way can help you build a more positive outlook on life. Get involved in recreational projects that put you in a happy mood. These can be as simple as putting together a model airplane or making holiday crafts. Though it is natural to be sad, balancing your sadness with positive emotions helps you to gradually release what is bothering you.
Understand Your Emotions
If you know what triggers your sadness, you can plan ahead and avoid potentially stressful situations. "Figure out all the things in your life that are stressing you out. Examples include: work overload, unsupportive relationships, substance abuse, taking on too much or health problems," explains Exercising before work, for example, is a way to increase your endorphins. This can help create positive emotions before you set foot in the building. Whatever the cause of the sadness, plan ways to inject positive feelings into the equation when you know the trigger experience is near.