How to Shift a Bad Mood to a Better One
Do Something Physical
Shift your posture. Take a big breath and stand taller. Happy and energetic people take large steps and walk faster. Moving like you are happy even when your are not is bound to shift your mood.
Taking a walk in nature can lift your mood. Go for a walk in the sunshine and breathe in fresh air while noticing the sights around you. Engage in any form of aerobic exercise that releases mood-lifting endorphins, neurotransmitters that serve as the body's natural pain relievers.
Put on your favorite upbeat music and begin to move and sway to the rhythm. If you are feeling angry, put on heavy metal or punk rock with its driving, forceful beat. The music will help you express your feelings. Try some inspirational music that reminds you of the goodness of life.
Release Pent-Up Feelings
Expressing your feelings in a journal can release tension and lighten your mood. Write about your feelings. Don't hold back, because expressing the truth can move those feelings from inside your head to outside and relieve your stress. If you are upset with someone, write as if you are having a dialogue with them where you play both parts, then tear up the page or burn it. You might even consider starting a blog in which you sound off about an issue, and receive comments and feedback from others.
Find a safe place to express your feelings by yelling, screaming or beating a pillow. Move the negative energy out of your body and see how much better you feel. If there's no safe place at home or work, try letting off steam in your car with all the windows rolled up.
Call a sympathetic friend who can listen while you talk about what is happening with you. Seeing the friend in person would be even better. The warmth of human companionship can be reassuring and calming.
Change Your Focus
Concentrate on the good things in your life. Begin by taking time to think about all the things in your life for which you are grateful. Write these down and put them in a prominent place where you will see them often.
Help someone else. There is no quicker way to stop dwelling on yourself than to concentrate on being of assistance to someone else. By volunteering at a homeless shelter or nursing home you might find that your problems pale in comparison to the problems of others.
Spend time in the present moment, noticing small things, such as the rise and fall of your breath, the feel of the water on your skin as you are taking a shower, the aroma of that tea you are drinking. Notice and describe the color of the sky, the sounds you hear or how your clothes feel against your skin.