Mental Toughness Techniques for Everyday Tasks
Positive Attitude
Mental toughness is largely connected with how a person deals with obstacles and failure. A common characteristic of very successful people is that they have faced failure at some time. However, it is worth considering how they deal with this. They do not "crumble" or give up. Nor do they take the failure as a personal blow. Instead, they move on without dwelling on the failure. Mental toughness means being able to deal with setbacks -- and even learning from them.
Another mental toughness technique is to remain calm in stressful situations. The performance of an agitated person often suffers, and an agitated person may not make the best decisions. One of the most useful tools is the ability to stay calm in a crisis. This also helps other people and is a real asset in a work team, a sports team or any other team or group.
Procrastination has been called the enemy of progress. Many people are their own worst enemies when it comes to putting things off. This is a great stress creator, and chaos also leads to poor performance and motivation. Mentally strong people are disciplined, self-motivated and self-directed, so they do not procrastinate. They are able to focus on the task at hand. It is difficult for a person to work to the best of his ability if he is always trying to catch up.