Activities to Cultivate a Positive Attitude
Monitor Self-Talk
Self-talk consists of those thoughts that are constantly running through your mind throughout the day. To maintain a positive attitude, it is essential that your self-talk be mostly positive. Throughout the day, stop and check the thoughts that are running through your head. If you find most of your thoughts are negative, take the time to put a positive spin on them. For those who find that the self-talk is positive, you are most likely maintaining a positive attitude.
Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle helps to maintain a positive attitude. Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise and sleep can help the body feel better and look better, both of which contribute to a healthy positive attitude. Those with positive attitudes are more likely to have a healthy lifestyle.
Beginning the Day
The way you begin your day can have a great effect on the attitude you will maintain throughout the day. Start each day thinking of the possibilities that the day presents to you. Those with negative attitudes may look at the day's tasks and chores as a burden, but make an effort to look at the day ahead as a challenge full of excitement and possibilities. Take the time each day to go over what you plan to achieve during your day. If you have a partner, discuss the day ahead with them each morning as a part of your morning routine. Try to give yourself plenty of time to prepare for the day instead of rushing out the door in a panic. Getting ready in a leisurely manner can help start a day off on the right track. Wake up to music instead of a blaring alarm clock to start your day on a positive note.
Ending the Day
At the close of each day, focus on the positive points during your day instead of any negative event that may have occurred. Those with a negative attitude tend to focus on the unpleasant events and forget compliments and high points during the day. Evaluate your day with a positive attitude and think about all that you accomplished. You can always correct and complete those things later that were not finished or positive during the day.