Stress-Buster Exercises
Yoga is a exercise for the mind and body that uses breathing techniques and physical postures to relieve stress while increasing flexibility and strength. Yoga exercises and poses help to focus concentration on the movements of the body and away from the daily activities that may be causing stress in your life. Yoga also features breathing techniques that can restore calm to a hectic lifestyle. You can use the breathing techniques in yoga any time during the day to relieve stress, which may help bring a sense of calm and quiet.
For those new to exercise, a walk around the block in the morning or evening can help to relieve stress. Taking 20 to 30 minutes a day to walk has physical benefits as well as mental rewards. Listening to music while walking can help you enjoy your time to yourself and calm the stressful thoughts.
Deep Breathing
Deep breathing techniques are exercises which you can practice anywhere and anytime you are under stress. Deep breathing requires you to fill your lungs and abdomen with air. When inhaling, push the abdomen out as far as possible to take in as much air as you can. During the exhalation, pull the abdomen in to push as much air out of the body as you can. Deep breathing exercises also focus the attention on the act of breathing and away from thoughts that cause stress.
Tai Chi
Tai chi is an exercise that uses gentle physical movements to strengthen the body and relieve stress. Originally, tai chi was a form of self-defense, which evolved into an exercise that helps reduce stress. The exercise also provides improvements in flexibility and strength. According to the Mayo Clinic, the focus of tai chi is to concentrate on the present and eliminate all distressing thoughts.