How to Overcome Low Self-Confidence
Increase Self-Confidence
Practice positive self-talk. All humans operate by making meaning out of life events. How we interpret events can lead to how we feel about them. When we fail to pay attention to our assumptions, we may get in the habit of saying and thinking negative, self-defeating things. Practicing positive self-talk is one way to combat this.
Pay attention to your attitudes and to the types of things you say to yourself. If you find yourself saying negative phrases, such as, "I'm a failure," try to recognize the positive aspects of the situation.
Stop comparing yourself to others. It is natural to measure ourselves against others, but this can lead to feeling disconnected, depressed and depleted. Try to replace negative comparisons with positive, affirmative statements about yourself and others. Evaluating yourself independently will help you to focus on your own strengths and abilities as well.
Increase positive social activities. Socializing is key to good overall mental health, and having strong social supports keeps people from feeling isolated. Positive social activities, such as hobbies and exercise, can make you feel more positive and increase self-confidence.
A study reported by Cynthia Graber in a May 2006 edition of "Scientific American" found that outside exercise specifically can increase your sense of mood and well-being. Doing activities such as gardening, hiking and sailing or walking in the park even for a few minutes a day can have a significant positive impact on your sense of self-confidence.