How to Stop Physical Bullying
Tell someone about the bullying. It is essential to confide this in a trusted person. This may be a parent or a favorite teacher. By telling another person you are unsettling the bully, whose power largely lies in the secrecy at the heart of your relationship with him. Do not be afraid to use your voice. If you feel in imminent physical danger, shout loudly.
Change your responses to the bully's behavior. Sometimes, bullies operate by being nice to their victim at times. Do not collude in the bully's behavior by allowing yourself to be manipulated in this way. Make sure you have plenty of good friends, and be in company as much as you can. If you do feel in physical danger, avoid being on your own with the bully.
Ask to see the school or organization's anti-bullying policy. Read what it says, and follow the reporting procedure. Do not allow yourself to be a victim, and do not be intimidated by accusations that you are "grassing" on the bully. Be clear in your mind that the bully is completely in the wrong and has no right to physically threaten or assault you.
Take up activities which bolster your self-esteem. A person who is confident and successful may be less attractive to the bully. Consider joining a self-defence class. This can improve your confidence and fitness as well as helping you to defend yourself.