How to Regulate Brain Waves
Things You'll Need
- Quiet Room
Increase Beta Brain Waves
Lie down in a quiet room. You can purchase biofeedback CDs that help induce beta brain waves and help you feel more fully relaxed. However, don't be tempted to turn on the radio, television, or your favorite CD as you will tend to focus on those instead of on yourself.
Adjust your body until all of your limbs are comfortable and you do not feel any specific points of pressure. Allow your feet to flop open and shift your shoulders until they are lying flat on the floor. Place thin pillow beneath your head to allow your neck to rest.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose. Draw the air slowly through your nose feeling your chest expand with the air. Release the air slowly out your mouth. Focus on the fall of your chest.
Continue to breathe in and out slowly.
Focus on releasing the tension in your forehead and cheek bones. Allow you jaw to drop slightly. If you are seated allow you head to fall back on the head rest.
Drop your shoulders. Relax your elbows. Uncurl your fingers or flex them slightly if you are holding them straight. You will be surprised how tense you are once you begin to consciously relax your body.
Continue relaxing the muscles down you body. Relax the upper and lower stomach muscles. Release the hips, the thighs, the calve muscles. Relax your ankles. Wiggle your toes.
Focus on any specific areas of pain after you have completely relaxed your body. Allow yourself to feel the pain. Normally, you would try to block it out but ignoring pain that doesn't go away actually causes more stress and thus more pain.
Allow your body to relax completely. Allow the pain to flow into the rest of your body and dissipate like a drop of dye in a bucket of water. If you feel yourself drifting off into sleep allow your body to go to sleep.
Stay in this relaxed state for at least 15 minutes or longer. The longer you are relaxed the more beta brain waves you produce.
Warm your body back up before getting back up and starting normal activity. Starting from your toes and working back toward the top of your head, wiggle each body part gently to re-engage your body.