How to Live a Happy Life When You Are at Rock Bottom
Things You'll Need
- Exercise plan
- Dietary plan
- Relaxation plan
Nurture your spirit with prayer and meditation. When you find your inner calm, you'll reduce stress and anxiety. Create a sense of well-being and attain your best mental state possible, no matter what life may throw at you.
Try to find a balance between work and home by scheduling time for your family and friendships. It's easy to get wrapped up with work and responsibilities. The people most important in your life need nurturing, no matter how tight your schedule may be. Maintain your relationships and bond with those that matter most to you; friendship and support will be there for you when you need it most.
Talk to someone. Resist the urge to hide and suppress your feelings. No matter what your problem may be, simply talking with someone can provide new perspectives or solutions.
Exercise. The "runner's high" isn't only for runners. Dance. Take the stairs. Walk. Choose an activity and commit to it for 30 minutes at least three times a week. Exercise plays a key role in preventing and reducing the effects of stress.
Eat a balanced diet. Watch your intake of sugar, caffeine and refined foods. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Your body needs nourishment especially during times of stress. Poor food choices can drastically affect your quality of sleep and well-being.
Learn to say, "no." Set boundaries. If you're a nice person at heart, you may be taking on others' responsibilities and creating more work and stress for yourself. It may be hard to speak up at first, but you will learn to have self-respect and others will give you respect in return.