The Best Workplace Stress Relievers
A sense of humor can go a long way in relieving stress in the workplace. When things go wrong at work--and they will--it's best to put the situation in perspective by realizing that although the event is unfortunate, it's not the end of the world, nor your career. Even when there's no major incident to deal with, laughter and levity is one of the best ways to get through the tedium and unpleasantness of various work situations, according to "Forbes" magazine. Sometimes that means planning ahead by loading a comedy sketch onto your mp3 player or bringing a humorous book to work. Other times, laughing over a joke or funny story with co-workers can also do the trick and lighten the stressful situation at hand.
Stress relief on the job may be just an arm's length away. According to "Forbes," simple stretches can be top stress relievers at work. These days, many companies are offering stress-reduction workshops or allowing their employees time to head to a nearby gym or yoga studio to get their daily hour of zen. For the many workers who don't have this luxury, however, a few simple stretches in the confines of the office can also be quite beneficial. When you feel stressed at work, try this stress-reduction stretch: stand in a doorframe and keep one arm at a 90-degree angle against it. Turn your body in the direction of the opposite arm, taking a step in that direction. This exercise can soothe upper-back tension and help you maintain a more upright, relaxed posture.
Engage Your Senses
In addition to stretching, there are several other physical techniques to engage your senses and relax the mind even in the most stressful moments. Nonprofit mental health organization Helpguide touts small sensory moves as some of the best stress-relieving techniques. One way to relax and recharge is to leave your office during breaks and take a walk around the block or building. As you walk, breathe in the air around you and try to be conscious of your surroundings rather than ruminating on issues in the office. Or, use break times to listen to calming music or talk to a loved one on the phone. While at your desk, breathe in invigorating scents such as peppermint, coffee beans or lemon, or enjoy a mint candy, focusing on the taste.