Mental Relaxation Tips
Stop Technique
This technique requires you to recognize your anxious thoughts. When an anxious thought pops into your head, put your hand out and say "Stop." Each time the thought arises, practice this technique. Physically responding to your anxiety allows you to recognize your ability to control your mind. This also shifts your attention away from the problem. The University of Southern California's Center for Work and Family Life states that practicing this technique may lead to self-assurance.
This technique requires you to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful environment. Your body should form a comfortable position. Think about the smell, sight and sound of the environment. Try to make the imagery as close to real as possible. The Mayo Clinic suggests this technique allows you to increase awareness in your body and feel calm.
Focused Breathing
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you take this breath, focus on its direction. Continue taking breaths, focusing on breathing through the nose. Think about how you feel as you take these breaths. Focusing such as this can cause physical relaxation, according to Nanyang Technological University.
Physical Exertion
Participate in a physical activity that causes your body to work hard. When your focus shifts to difficult physical activity, the mind may slow down and relax. Play a sport, go for a run, swim or rock climb. Find something that you enjoy and participate on a regular basis. Soon the physical activity should become a safe activity for you to participate in to help your mind relax.
Listen to Music
Listening to music will help draw your mind away from anxiety. Focus on the specific sounds in the music. Think about how the music affects you. This will help shift your focus to an external venue and should help bring relaxation.