How to Add Humor to Your Life
Find the humor in every situation. Many times a simple mishap, such as a broken coffee cup or a spill on a white shirt, can cause a person to become more stressed. Instead, see the humor in these situations and move on.
Watch a funny movie, read a humorous book or watch your favorite TV sitcom. These will all help provide a good laugh and improve your mood.
Spend more time with friends and family members. Ask these people to recount old, funny stories or tell you a new, humorous tale about their lives. Share some funny and embarrassing stories about yourself as well.
Spend more time doing activities that you enjoy. Make time to spend an afternoon on the golf course, or go bowling. Do these things with people who can bring positivity and laughter into your life.
Walk away from stressful situations. Learn what triggers stress and unhappiness in your life, such as a negative person at work or a money woe at home. Instead, focus on a funny comic strip in the newspaper, or relax and remember a humorous moment in your life.
Spend some time with a child. This could be your own child, grandchild, cousin or any child you know. Play a silly game with her, or simply imitate her light-hearted approach to life.