How to Manage Mood Swings

Mood swings are difficult to deal with. They take over your day and affect your feelings and actions. They can cause you to be happy one minute and lash out at those you love the next. There are some changes you can make that will allow you to manage your mood swings. You can control your feelings and not feel like you are on a roller coaster of emotions.

Things You'll Need

  • Healthy snacks
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      Keep healthy snacks with you at all times. Low blood sugar sometimes causes mood swings, so snacking on foods such as almonds and apples can help keep your blood sugar up.

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      Take a minute for yourself when you feel a mood swing coming on. Breathe deeply in and out several times until you feel calm.

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      Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This will keep your serotonin levels consistent, which keeps your moods level.

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      Exercise three to five times a week. The endorphins that result from exercise make you feel good, so you stay in good spirits.

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