Abdominal Breathing Technique
Correct breathing is an essential part of relaxation. Lie on your back on the floor with your arms by your side, palms lightly curled into a fist. Close your eyes. Breathe slowly in through your nose. Imaging a balloon just below your naval, and as you inhale, imagine this balloon filling. Put your hand lightly on your abdomen. The movement of your hand indicates that you are breathing correctly, using abdominal breathing technique. Count to seven slowly while breathing in. Hold the breath for a few seconds.
Slowly release the breath through your nose, counting to eight. Breathe back in again immediately, as though continuing the exhalation movement, without pause. As you fully exhale, feel the contraction in your abdominal muscle with your hand. Repeat several times. Breathe naturally. Add visualization to the breathing exercise by breathing in a calming color, such as light blue. Say a word such as "calm" to yourself as you inhale. Imagine a color such as red as you exhale, and say the word "stress."
Try the following when you first get up in the morning. Sit cross-legged, with your spine straight but relaxed. Close your eyes. Breathe through your nose. Follow the breath with your mind's eye as it flows up your nose, down your trachea and into your lungs. Rub your hands together until warm. After a few minutes, place them just under your naval, and as you breathe in, imagine your hands warming your breath as you inhale deeply. This will help to engage your abdominal muscles.