Positive Thinking Techniques
Talk to the Mirror
Looking at yourself in the mirror and saying positive things will slowly help change your thinking pattern. Say positive things about how you look, feel and what you desire. Make statements about what you want to accomplish for the day. The more you say these statements out loud, the more likely you are to believe them.
Find Humor in Everyday Life
According to The Mayo Clinic, opening yourself up to humor will help reduce stress and encourage positive thinking. If something difficult happens, look for the humor in the situation. Laugh at yourself when you make mistakes. As you learn to laugh at yourself, you will become more at ease in work, school and relationships.
Make a Positive List
At the end of each day, write down the positive events that occurred. Even on your worst day, you should find one or two things that are positive. If you struggle with one particular aspect of your life such as work; make a list of all the things you appreciate about your job. As you begin to recognize the positive rather than the negative, this should change your attitude about the situation.
Positive People
Surround yourself with positive people and you will begin to share their outlook on life. The people you spend time with have a regular impact on your own way of thinking. If you continue to spend time with a pessimist, you will likely see life from a negative perspective. The same rings true if you spend the majority of your time with positive people.
Positive Media
The media you allow in your brain may have a positive or negative impact on your thoughts. Find songs that inspire and encourage. Watch movies and television that make you laugh. Read books that motivate you. Remember that whatever you put into your brain affects your emotional health.