Emotional Support Group Ideas
Role Playing
There are several scenarios where participants in your emotional support class can benefit from role playing exercises. For example, if someone is dealing with a relationship that is unhealthy or abusive, an activity that has her act out the behavior (safely) of the abusive partner may help her understand his motivations and in turn give her the motivation to walk away. Role playing allows for the person to see things from the opposite perspective offering her new insight into relationships and situations.
Film/Lecture Series
A film/lecture series can be a great way to offer important information to those participating in your emotional support group. You can focus on specific issues that affect your group or you can offer a series of films/lecturers that provides information to people dealing with different issues. Lecturers can include professionals in the areas for which people need help or individuals that have gone through similar circumstances and now speak with others in an effort to show that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Healing Artistic Approach
It is often the case that people dealing with difficult, painful issues have a hard time talking about their feelings with others, even a counselor. One way to bring out what someone is really feeling, so that those feelings can be addressed, is through an artistic endeavor of some kind. Ask participants in your group to create an artistic work that reflects their feelings about what they're going through. An artistic assignment could be creating a painting, drawing, sculpture, short film project, poem or short story.