How do I Ignore Conflict?
Ignore petty comments and resist the urge to get involved in issues that are not important to your enjoyment of life, or do not infringe on the rights of others. Whether that crabby man behind you in line approves of your choices really isn't worth responding to. Avoid conflict by simply ignoring his comments.
Compromise with others whenever possible. Conflict arises when someone's needs are not being met. Taking the time to work out a plan so that both of you have your needs met diffuses conflict and reduces stress.
Focus on the real issues and resist the urge to discuss other areas that may prove troublesome. Listen to what the other person is saying and make an attempt to understand his feelings. When others feel understood, conflict often lessens.
Accept the fact that others are not always going to agree with you or share your point of view. Unless the issue threatens the health, safety or well-being of you or others, simply accepting that you see the issue differently and letting it go prevents conflict from escalating.