Activities to Deal With Adversity
Support Groups
No matter what, talking about your situation with other people who are going through something similar can help you. By voicing your feelings to others who are listening, you might find yourself coming to terms with your adversity. In addition, a support group also gets you out of the house and into a semi-social situation, which can also help. If you cannot find a support group in your area, find a friend you are comfortable confiding in, or a counselor to talk with. Make sure to reach out to others so as to maintain social interaction.
Mental Attitudes
It is important in a tough situation to take control of your mental attitude. You might find yourself focusing on negative thoughts that only make you sadder. Find a way that works for you to cultivate a positive outlook. For some, maintaining a regular schedule of physical activity is the best way to go. For others, daily meditation helps refocus thoughts and think positively. In any case, discover what helps relax your mind and change your attitude. This may involve taking some time for yourself to go on a short vacation.
Seeing the Big Picture
It can help you deal with adversity to see how good your life might actually be, in comparison with many people in the world. Remind yourself about what is most important in life by helping others. Volunteer your time at a charity, shelter or other non-profit organization. Helping other people deal with their own adversity might get you over your hump. In addition, finding a cause in which you can believe and taking interest in could renew your vitality and get you thinking positively about life.
Getting to Know Your Own Feelings
Self-reflection can be the most challenging part of dealing with adversity. It is important always to be aware of your feelings, whether negative or positive, and to know how to handle them. One exercise is to write your feelings down on paper. This will force you to articulate them to yourself, and just might allow you to let go of negative thoughts once they are down on paper. Try keeping a daily journal. If your adversity is due to the loss of a loved one, write a letter to the person you have lost. Again, putting your feelings into words might help you understand and deal with them.