Mind Exercises for Positive Thinking
For Daily Encounters
Eliminate negative words from your speech patterns. Use only positive expressions such as "can" instead of "can't." Adopt an affirmative mantra to be repeated silently and as often as necessary, such as: "I deserve happiness," or, "I am a worthy human being." Create a happy place in your mind, some spot of positive reinforcement that you can retreat to when you need to put negative thoughts into perspective. Believe in your ability to succeed but also analyze when something fails so you can learn from it. Learn from the past. Give yourself credit when credit is earned. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes so you can move on. When things are bad, remember things could be worse and be thankful they're not. Doing these things will help you develop a habit of positive thinking.
For Coping at Work
Surround yourself at work with positive images, look at them and think about them during times of stress. Practice making constructive comments to coworkers. When embarking on a project, mentally visualize its successful outcome. Keep a notebook to keep track of your thoughts, and record the negative ones to determine if you have a thinking pattern that you need to break. Focus on seeking opportunities. If you have had setbacks at work, study them and look for ways they can be turned into chances for something new and better. Believe in yourself and your ability. Take up meditation, letting the mind go blank and free.
For Maintaining a Relaxed Social Life
Read inspirational books to develop a more positive outlook. Monitor your stream of consciousness--if your thoughts naturally dwell on the negative, stop them and focus on positive images and thoughts instead. Again, take a mental trip to a happy place. Look at the big picture rather than letting the little things bog you down. Periodically remind yourself of all the things in life you have to be thankful for. Instead of focusing on what's wrong in your life, focus on what is right.