The Effect of Adversity on the Human Spirit
During hard times, it is normal to have difficulty coping. The problem is that one difficult life event is often followed by another. For example, a job loss leading to long-term unemployment can have an adverse effect on relationships, finance, health and self-esteem. It might be difficult to find the energy to find another job. Yoga, meditation and deep-breathing exercises aid relaxation and can help you to stay calm under pressure.
Inner Strength
One positive effect of adversity is that people discover strengths they didn't know they possessed. Even small triumphs can feel sweeter if they are achieved against difficult circumstances. According to life coach Eleanor Chin, writing in "Positive Psychology News," "Character strengths such as creativity, courage, kindness, persistence, optimism, gratitude, humor and spirituality are exactly the personal resources needed in times of adversity to solve problems or just to stay afloat."
Reaching Out
People who reach out to others are more successful in coping with adversity. Positive connections with others can uplift the human spirit and lead to renewed faith in life. People who don't have close relationships or who are suffering because of bereavement or break-ups should try to build new, fulfilling connections. Helping other people in need can also boost your own emotional health.
Inner Narrative
People suffering from adversity often feel the need to look deep inside themselves, sometimes by keeping a journal to explore their emotions and the impact difficulties are having on their lives, as well as to explore how they can rebuild their lives. People who write about their emotions are more likely to be resilient in the face of adversity. Journaling can help you make surprising discoveries about yourself and to identify patterns that may be adding to difficulties.
Positive Thought
Life coach Eleanor Chin points out that people who intentionally use their character strengths will find them readily available in times of need. She suggests purposefully focusing on one strength each day and incorporating it into daily activity. For example, if you are focusing on creativity, and money is a problem, plan an appetizing meal on a smaller budget.